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Congress and Symposiums

Faculty of Medicine Conferences

  • Jens G. Leipziger (Renal Control of K+ Homeostasis, September 2016)

  • Aziz Sancar  (May 2016)

  • Ege Kavalalı (From Spontaneous Neurotransmitter Release to Rapid Antidepressant Action, March 2016)

  • Ian Wilmut (From Dolly to Treatment of Human Disease, February 2016)

  • Arif Siddiqui (Seminar: Teaching Physiology in an Integrated Curriculum, October 2015) 

  • Walter Boron (Regulation of PH in Cells, September 2015)

  • Stephen Lisberger (Conference: From Vision to Action: Neural Basis for Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements, May 2015)

  • Stephen Lisberger (Seminar: Neuroscience: Tips for Writing and Publishing Your Paper, May 2015)

  • Alex Verkhratsky (Neuroglia, April 2015)

  • Tony Payne (Conference: Parkinson's Disease:Neuroanatomy,Pharmacology and Models, March 2015)

  • Tony Payne (Seminar: Blood Supply of the Human Brain, March 2015)

  • Bülent Yener (Graph - Theoretic Analysis of Epileptic Seizures on Scalp EEG Recordings, October 2014)

  • M. Gazi Yasargil (Yüzyılın Beyin Cerrahı, September 2014)

  • Uğur Türe (Yüzyılın Beyin Cerrahı, September 2014)

  • Horst-Werner Korf (From Chronobiology to Chronomedicine, September 2014)

  • Husrev Hatemi (Diyabet ve Endotel Patafizyolojisi, March 2014)

  • Çiğdem Gelegen van Eiji (Mapping Genes and Neuronal Networks, January 2014)

  • Hale Arık Taşyıkan (Explaining Coronary  Heart Disease Mortality Trends in Turkey Between 1995 and 2008, January 2014)

  • Aşkın Kocabaş (Controlling Neural Dynamics to Evoke Complex Behaviors in C. Elegans, January 2014)

  • Nathalie Jurisch-Yakşi & Emre Yakşi (From cilia to chemical biology:lessons from the zebrafish & Studying neural circuits mediating fear in the zebrafish brain, December 2013)

  • Muzaffer Degertekin (Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease with Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, October 2013)

  • Dmitri Rusakov (Two- Photon Excitation Microscopy: A Window into the Brain Machinery, August 2013)

  • Mustafa Djamgoz (Novel Targets for Therapeutic Interventions in Cancer, April 2013)

  • Canan Aykut Bingöl (Development  & Functioanl Organisation of the Brain, March 2013)

  • Fahrettin Keleştimur (Travmatik Beyin Hasari Sonrasi Noroendokrin Degisiklikler, February 2013)

  • Abigail Fowden (The Uterine Environment and Developmental Programming, February 2013)

  • Hüsrev Hatemi (Diyabet ve Endotel Patofizyolojisi, December 2012)

  • David Carpenter (Environmental Pollutants and Risk of Hypertension, Cardiovascular,Diseases and Diabetes, September 2012)