Title: Assistant Prof.Academic Mission: Acedemic StaffEmail: ezgi.coban@yeditepe.edu.trTime: Full TimeAkademikResumeFaculty and Graduation Year Eskişehir Osmangazi University, 2008 E-Mail ezgi.coban@yeditepe.edu.tr Side Branch Specialization Medical Oncology Place and Year of Specialization Marmara University Medical Faculty, 2013 Foreign Languages English Number of Foreign Publications 8 Number of Publications in Turkish 5 Number of International Papers 2 Number of National Papers 5 Attribution Number 22 Book Chapter 1 Fields of Study Breast cancer Lung Cancer Colorectal Cancer Gastric Cancer Gynecological Malignancies Prostat cancer Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy Career Summary 2019-2023 Medical Oncologist- Haydarpaşa Numune Research and Traning Hospital Memberships Turkish Oncology Society PublicationsProfessional Publications Geçer M, Ünver N, Hasbahçeci M, Gücin Z, Tosuner Z, Çoban E, Akçakaya A, Arıcı A. A Primary Adenosquamous Carcinoma of the Stomach: Report of Two Cases Bezmialem Science 2017; 5: 135-7 Seker M, Isen HC, Çevirme N, Aydın S, Bilici A, Bulut H, Yasin AI, Coban E, Demir T, Aliyev A, Kocyigit A, Turk HM. Role of Urotensin-2 in 5-Fluorouracil-Related Arterial Vasoconstriction in Cancer Patients. Oncol Res Treat. 2018;41(9):545-549. Demir T, Araz M, Coban E, Aliyev A, Seker M, Turk HM. Prognostic impact of primary tumor location on survival in metastatic colorectal cancer patients: A single center experience Medicine Science 2019;8(3):628-31 Turk HM, Aliyev A, Celik RS, Seker M, Coban E, Demir T, Baydas T, Kocyigit A. Usefulness of serum M30 and M65 levels to predict response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer. Curr Probl Cancer. 2020 Feb;44(1):100497. Öven BB, Çelik S, Gürleyik G, Vardar F, Çoban E, Şeker M, Ökten İN,Aktekin A. Benefits of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Luminal Breast Cancer with Respect to Tumor Response J Oncol Sci. 2021;7(1):7-14 Simsek ET, Coban E, Atag E, Gungor S, Sari M, Gurleyik G. The Role of FDG PET/CT to Evaluation of Axillary Lymph Nodes after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2021 Jul;30(7):792-797. Sari M, Atag E, Demir T, Simsek ET, Coban E, Cikrikcioglu M. Deficient Mismatch Repair and Lymphocytic Response to Tumor as Prognostic Markers in Stage II Colon Cancer Patients. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2022 Feb;32(2):186-192. Simsek ET, Coban E, Atag E, Gungor S, Aker F, Sari M. The Effect of FDG-PET/CT on Clinical Prognostic Staging of Breast Cancer Patients being Planned Neoadjuvant Treatment. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2022 Feb;32(2):181-185. Yasin AI, Aydin SG, Sümbül B, Koral L, Şimşek M, Geredeli Ç, Öztürk A, Perkin P, Demirtaş D, Erdemoglu E, Hacıbekiroglu İ, Çakır E, Tanrıkulu E, Çoban E, Ozcelik M, Çelik S, Teker F, Aksoy A, Fırat ST, Tekin Ö, Kalkan Z, Türken O, Oven BB, Dane F, Bilici A, Isıkdogan A, Seker M, Türk HM, Gümüş M. Efficacy and safety profile of COVID-19 vaccine in cancer patients: a prospective, multicenter cohort study. Future Oncol. 2022 Mar;18(10):1235-1244. Özdemir Ö, Zengel B, Yildiz Y, Uluç BO, Cabuk D, Ozden E, Salim DK, Paydas S, Demir A, Diker O, Pilanci KN, Sönmez ÖU, Vatansever S, Dogan I, Gulmez A, Cakar B, Gursoy P, Yildirim ME, Ayhan M, Karadurmus N, Aykan MB, Cevik GT, Sakalar T, Hacibekiroglu I, Gülbagci BB, Dincer M, Garbioglu DB, Kemal Y, Nayir E, Taskaynatan H, Yilmaz M, Avci O, Sari M, Coban E, Atci MM, Esen SA, Telli TA, Karatas F, Inal A, Demir H, Kalkan NO, Yilmaz C, Tasli F, Alacacioglu A. The effectiveness and safety of neoadjuvant pertuzumab and trastuzumab in women with locally advanced, inflammatory, or early-stage human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive breast cancer: Turkish Oncology Group study. Anticancer Drugs. 2022 Aug 1;33(7):663-670. Simsek E, Coban E, Atag E, Sari M, Gurleyik G. In Which Luminal Breast Cancers Might Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Be Appropriate to Achieve a Pathological Complete Response in Axillary Lymph Nodes?. EJMI. 2022; 6(2): 184-189 Atag E, Coban E, Sari M, Tanrikulu E, Topaktas R, Gumrukcu G, Ozturk M. Treatment Approach for Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer: Real-Life Data From a Single Center. EJMI. 2023; 7(1): 22-31 Atag E, Sari M, Coban E, Tanrikulu Simsek E. Factors Influencing Mortality of Metastatic Bladder Cancer: A Single-Center Experience. EJMI. 2022; 6(4): 470-476