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Academic virtue includes students and academics being honest in their academic activities, respecting the rights and laws of others, referencing the owners of opinions and thoughts that do not belong to them, not deceiving anyone, being respectful, not gaining an unfair advantage, and not gaining benefits via misguiding.

Academic virtue entails not treating people the way you don't want to be treated. Academic virtue also includes having a sense of responsibility and duty. At the same time, striving for personal development is part of academic virtue. An individual should try to train himself/herself in the highest competence, especially in his/her own profession, within his/her own abilities and potentials. Whether the activities and behaviors are right or not can be decided by conscientiously evaluating them.

Academic virtue is the most important and fundamental value in education and research activities. Demonstrating academic virtue also provides improvement and development. Academic virtue also contributes to fair competition among individuals. In this respect, our university sensitively expects students and academicians to demonstrate academic virtue in their educational activities and researches.

For students, some of the behaviors and situations that violate academic virtue can be listed as (but not limited to):

1. Plagiarism: It is defined as not citing sentences, figures, graphics, tables, data and similar materials that were produced by someone else in accordance with academic writing rules and using copyrighted materials in homework, projects and similar written texts without permission or stating that the relevant material is used with permission of the author. There are many types of plagiarism and all of them should be avoided (https://besteditproof.com/en/academy/what-is-plagiarism-how-to-avoid-it).

Below are some situations that fall under the scope of plagiarism:

a. Citing too much of one's own study from other study

b. Using other authors' sentences and views as your own without reference

c. Not using other authors' sentences in quotation marks

2. Cheating from someone else or from materials that should not be used during the exam.

3. Being among the authors as if he/she contributed to assignments and projects even though he/she didn't actually contribute.

4. Damage to school tools and equipment,

5. Being unkind in relationships and displaying inappropriate behavior,

6. Signing on behalf of a friend who did not come to class,

7. Having someone else take the exams instead of himself/herself,

8. Having someone else do his/her own project or assignment.

Various sanctions are applied uncompromisingly to students and academics who violate academic virtue. Some of these are issuing a legal warning, getting a temporary suspension from university, or dismissing from university. It is recommended to read "Yeditepe University, Undergraduate and Graduate Education, Training and Examination Regulation" and "Yeditepe University, Medical School Education, Training and Examination Regulation" to obtain more information. (https://med.yeditepe.edu.tr/en/regulations)
