Ünvan: Prof. Dr.Akademik Görev: Anabilim Dalı BaşkanıE-posta: aylin.ucar@yeditepe.edu.trTelefon: (0216) 578 00 00Çalışma Türü: Tam ZamanlıAkademikBiyografi Doç. Dr. Aylin YABA UÇAR (Head of Department) Dr. Aylin Yaba Uçar is a Associated Proffessor of Histology and Embryology at Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine. She received her B.S. degree in Biology from Akdeniz University in 2002, M.S. degree in Reproductive Biology from Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine in 2004. Her master thesis title is "Detection of Abelson Tyrosine Kinase (c-Abl) in Early Prenatal Development in Mice". She then moved to United States for her postgraduate fellow research at the Yale University School of Medicine, Department of OBGYN, Reproductive Sciences between december 2004-2006. She obtained her certification for clinical embryologist in 2008. She received her PhD degree in Histology and Embryology from Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine in 2011. Her PhD thesis title is "The Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) Mechanism in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)". Research area: Reproductive biology and endocrinology Early embryonic development and cell fate determination Gonadal development Infertility Web page: www.yucarlab.com e-mail: aylin.ucar@yeditepe.edu.tr